Eat greens for health - feed right to feel right
Eat greens for health - feed right to feel right
Eat greens for health - feed right to feel right
Eat greens for health - feed right to feel right
Eat greens for health - feed right to feel right
Eat greens for health - feed right to feel right
Eat greens for health - feed right to feel right
Eat greens for health - feed right to feel right
Eat greens for health - feed right to feel right
Eat greens for health - feed right to feel right
Eat greens for health - feed right to feel right
Eat greens for health - feed right to feel right
Eat greens for health - feed right to feel right
Eat greens for health - feed right to feel right
Eat greens for health - feed right to feel right
Eat greens for health - feed right to feel right
Eat greens for health - feed right to feel right
Eat greens for health - feed right to feel right
Eat greens for health - feed right to feel right
Eat greens for health - feed right to feel right
product details

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This poster was produced by the designer Hans Schleger, better known by his pseudonym, 'Zero'. Although born inGermany, Schleger was of Jewish decent and had escaped Nazi persecution by immigrating to Britain in 1933. With him he brought a new‘Modernist’ sensibility to British graphic design. This is clearly evident in this poster from 1944 produced by the Ministry of Agriculturein support of 'Dig for Victory'. This campaign encouraged the growing of food in gardens and allotments. Schleger remained an influentialfigure in British graphic design after the war, pioneering the notion of corporate identity and worked in London until his death in1976.
additional information
Date Second World War
Cat Number Art.IWM PST 3454
Artist / Maker Schleger, Hans
More about this image on IWM Collections

Eat greens for health - feed right to feel right

  • £25

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