Crystal Palace - Great War Exhibition - Imperial War Museum.
Coughs and Sneezes Spread Diseases
Back Them Up!
A soldier from No. 1 Commando climbs up a steep rock face during training at Glencoe in Scotland, 19 November 1941.
A New Fish Dish - Fresh-Salted Cod
A British soldier gives a V-for-Victory sign to German prisoners captured at El Alamein, 26 October 1942.
Join the Army Now
Make-Do and Mend
Join the Wrens - and Free a Man for the Fleet
United: the United Nations Fight for Freedom
VE Day in London, 8 May 1945
Free French soldiers attend a mass at sunrise during the siege of Bardia in Libya, December 1940.
Your Britain - Fight for it Now
Winston Churchill watching a Short Stirling bomber of No. 7 Squadron taking off, 6 June 1941.
Winston Churchill reads a newspaper on the platform at St Andrews railway station, during a tour of defences and naval forces in Scotland, 23 October 1940.
Waste The Food and Help The Hun
Travoys Arriving with Wounded at a Dressing-Station at Smol, Macedonia, September 1916
To Enjoy the Fruits of Victory - Save Now
The Supermarine Spitfire, 1938
The Signing of Peace in the Hall of Mirrors, Versailles, 28th June 1919
The crew of HM Submarine UTMOST displaying their "Jolly Roger" at Holy Loch in Scotland after a successful year's service in the Mediterranean, 6 February 1942.
The Battle of Britain, 1940