A heavily-armed jeep patrol from 'L' Detachment SAS in North Africa, 18 January 1943.
Ruby Loftus screwing a Breech-ring
To Dress Extravagantly in War Time
Women of Britain - Come into the Factories
Join the Wrens - and Free a Man for the Fleet
Join the ATS
Go Through Your Wardrobe - Make-Do and Mend
Train to be a Nurse
Women's Royal Naval Service
The Kitchen is the Key to Victory
For A Healthy, Happy Job - Join The Women's Land Army
A female member of Air Raid Precautions staff applies her lipstick between emergency calls.
Women Wanted as Ambulance Drivers
Why Not Wear Something White Instead?
Munition workers in a shell warehouse at National Shell Filling Factory No.6, Chilwell, Nottinghamshire in 1917.
A Camouflaged Runway
Women's Land Army : Ditching
Women pilots of the Air Transport Auxiliary (ATA) in flying kit at Hatfield, 10 January 1940.
War Weapons Week in a Country Town
WAAF radar operator Denise Miley plotting aircraft on a cathode ray tube in the Receiver Room at Bawdsey 'Chain Home' station, May 1945.
Two men of the 12th East Yorkshires wearing snow suits leaving their snow-covered trench on daylight patrol. Arleux Sector, 9 January 1918.
The Gunboat HMS KILDANGAN in dazzle camouflage, 1918.
Make-Do and Mend
Make Do and Mend